A Christmas Devotional: The Wonder of Jesus’ Lineage
The wonder of Jesus’ lineage leads us to know and understand the true love and grace of Christ’s birth. A Christmas devotional.

“And Jacob, the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom Jesus was born, who is called Christ.” Matthew 1:16
I’ve been studying the book of Ruth for the past several months. It is an interesting book, in that God isn’t a main character. He’s there; we see Him in the story. We see how He’s working through Naomi’s tragedy. We see Him work in Ruth’s obedience.

But He isn’t the star of the show. In fact, He’s hardly even mentioned.
Keep this in mind while I jump to Matthew.
Jesus’ Lineage
In Matthew 1 we see 42 generations named from Abraham to Christ. Abraham begot Isaac who begot Jacob and on and on it goes. Boaz is listed, along with Ruth.

In fact, out of 42 generations, only 5 women were included in Jesus’s lineage.
- Tamar: who disguised herself and conceived Perez by her father in law
- Rahab: a prostitute God used to protect Israelite spies
- Ruth: a Moabite, widowed and destitute in a foreign land
- Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah: bore a son out of an adulterous relationship with David
- Mary: a young girl of no consequence or stature
Five women who have heart breaking stories, whom God used as chinks in a chain to bring the Messiah.
And among the men in Jesus’ lineage, we have some doozies as well.
- Jacob: who deceived his father for his birthright
- David: adulterer, murderer, abusive in power
- Solomon: disobedient to God, idol worshiper
- Joram: an idol worshiper and treacherous king
And then there were many who are largely unknown, other than they played a role in Christ’s lineage.
There are also many named, like Abraham and Boaz, who were honorable and obedient to the Lord. Who wove a testimony of faith through their lives.
And then there is Joseph. While it may have been a cultural normalcy to trace lineage through the father’s line, we must remember that Joseph wasn’t a blood relative to Jesus.
He was Jesus’s adopted father.
Hinge-Points That Lead to Christ
There’s so much to unpack when we look at what leads up to Matthew 1:16.
But let’s pause and think about the book of Ruth first. Since God is hardly mentioned in this book, it leads us to wonder why it is included in the Bible.
And I keep going back to the fact that Boaz and Ruth are a hinge-point in Jesus’ lineage.
Without their story, the lineage of Christ stops.
In fact, every single person named, good and bad, were hinge-points that lead to Christ. Without their role, there is no fulfillment of scripture that the Messiah would come from David’s lineage.

Is it any wonder that God uses these people across hundreds of years to tell one story?
Isn’t it amazing that few of them actually understood the role they played in fulfilling the prophecy of Christ?
And what a beautiful picture God displays in bringing Jesus’ lineage to a head with Joseph, a father who adopts a Son.
What a glorious display of love and grace. God shows us that a blood line filled with mistakes and broken people can still lead to perfection.
You Are An Anointed One
Christ, from the Greek word christos, translates to the Hebrew term meshiah (Messiah), meaning “the anointed one”.
And Christian, translates to “little anointed ones”.
So many anointed ones. So many hinge-points in history; and, they never truly understood the ramifications of their role on this side of Heaven.
As Christians, we have the privilege of looking back at these stories and seeing a thousand anointed moments in history that led to Christ. And we are called to be little anointed ones. Each playing a pivotal role in the story God continues to write.
What a gift to know that God will use our lives too, in just the way that He sees our role fitting into the story.
And even more, He gave us His Holy Spirit to have the power to overcome sin in our life and sanctify our role in God’s continued narrative.
This coming year, remember that God created you in this moment for a specific purpose and plan. He has you where you are for reasons you may not ever fully understand.
But His plan is Holy and good, and you get to be a part of it.
A very Merry Christmas to you and yours,
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Grace Notes are devotionals, encouragement, or letters that I hope better your life across many categories.
What a beautiful reflection! It’s amazing how Jesus’ lineage adds so much depth to the story of His birth. Perfect for the holiday season!