Spiritual Maturity | The Daily Life of a Christian

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Are you frustrated by a disconnected spiritual walk with Christ? Let’s talk about spiritual maturity and what it looks like in the life of a Christian. I’m excited to start a new Monday Musings of Grace series on spiritual maturity studying Romans 12.

I’ve found myself over the last year in an odd place in my Christianity. My faith hasn’t wavered. It hasn’t been shaken in my belief of Christ as my Savior or of God as a good God. It hasn’t grown stale or been stagnant. But it has been lacking in an intentional forward movement towards spiritual maturity.

What is Spiritual Maturity?

The continual process of becoming more like Jesus Christ.

A lot of my issue stems from a specific event a year and a half ago that was extremely hurtful and changed the way I will forever view “church”. A lot stems from a lack of a stable “church” home as we’ve bounced around trying to find a place we “fit”. But honestly, most has stemmed from my own lack of zeal to deepen my faith.

Spiritual Maturity in the Daily Walk of a Christian

And that’s where this series begins. With my realization that too often I place the ball in someone else’s court. I rely on church or small group or my family to bolster my desire to grow deeper in my faith. When, in fact, this must come from a deep found personal desire to seek Christ in maturity and to place my joy and purpose in Him.

I need to take the ball back and put my reliance on God and His Spirit to reconnect my forward movement to His plan for a spiritually mature life. This brings me to Romans 12.

Are you frustrated by a disconnected spiritual walk with Christ? Let's talk about spiritual maturity and what it looks like in the life of a Christian. #spiritualmaturity #fromhousetohaven

Romans 12

Romans is my all-time favorite book of the Bible. There is immeasurable wisdom and practical life application in this book. Romans 12 impacted me recently as an amazing chapter for those of us who want to move towards spiritual maturity.

All of the Bible is a guide-book for our lives, but this specific passage is so practical I couldn’t resist doing a series. So today we are focusing on Part 1: verses 1-2.

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.Do not be conformed to this world,[c but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Romans 12:1-2

Our Worship

I cannot tell you how many times I’ve read the above passage and glanced over the part that says that our presentation of our bodies as a living sacrifice is an act of worship. Did I know this? Yes. However, it just clicked one day to apply this in my daily pursuit of maturity.

We are honoring God by pressing towards spiritual maturity as we continually seek to present ourselves as holy and acceptable to God.

So what does that look like?

Transform Your Mind

Pressing towards spiritual maturity is accomplished by the renewal of your mind and non-conformation to the world. And how is that done? Through testing and trials. Boom. Let that sink in.

There is a purpose in our trials. When we are struggling to understand “why”, God is moving us towards spiritual maturity. James said,

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

James 1:2-4

He moves us forward in our understanding of what is good and acceptable and perfect through trials. So that we can be lacking in nothing as we rely on Him and press forward towards spiritual maturity.

This passage gives us the “why” that so many of us constantly seek to understand when we are in the depths of a trial. Once we understand that trials are meant to produce something, we can rely on God’s goodness and sovereignty to move us forward daily.

Part 2 {Update: Part 2 is live here.} will focus on the next section of Romans 12: gifting. I look forward to studying it and hope that you’ll read ahead and begin to consider what your gifts are and how you can contribute to the body of Christ.

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  1. I’m newish here. I started watching your YouTube on recommendation of a friend, but was drawn to your blog by your use of the Word as a daily growth tool.
    It has been sweet. And your opening of Romans 12 has been precious. We are all damaged in church because it’s where we’re vulnerable, but it’s also where we grow. Funny how churches are full of imperfect people growing to maturity in Christ just like us. But it’s God’s plan for growth and I can see the changes He’s made in me over the years through my tears. God bless you. Keep on sharing.

  2. Sarah, you can’t imagine how much this meant to me today. I also have had a what seemed like a broken heart from something at my church. I have struggled for the past few months. I have many uncertainties I hurt soo! This has helped so much. My love for God does not change. I feel as if God sent you to me today to deliver this . Right now as tears till my eyes I know that He is strengthening me. Thank you Sarah! God Bless you.?????

    1. I’m so sorry for what you’ve had to deal with Becky. I’m glad this could be an encouragement to you. My prayers are with you for peace and healing!

  3. ThInk you for this! Romans is one of my favorite books in the Bible also. looking forward to the next one.

  4. Thanks for this post. My husband and I attended the same church for 19 years and were in a spiritual rut, though we didn’t realize it until we moved forward. We started going to a lot of Christian concerts and were especially moved by the teachings of Todd Agnew. He’s the singer whose big hit was Grace Like Rain. He always had some amazing teachings between his songs. He even has a song called Romans 12:1. Around this time we found a church where the pastor constantly encourages people to grow and serve. We’re still on this spiritual journey and haven’t looked back.! I’ve learned to pray for God’s will in very difficult situations, even when His answer might not be my answer. I think pressing on toward spiritual maturity is a lifelong journey.

  5. First, this passage in Romans 12:1-2 is our family verse. Itโ€™s hanging in our family room. And, Romans and James are my two favorite books. We are constantly striving to be more like Christ, and are thankful for our church body, solid preaching, and great resources from places like @ligonier. We find it helps to listen to more teaching, and sermons from gifted ministers of the gospel throughout the week to help us in our walk. ?

  6. โ€œOnce we understand that trials are meant to produce something, we can rely on Godโ€™s goodness and sovereignty to move us forward daily.โ€

    This is my light bulb ? moment, again! Thank you for sharing.?

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