
Cozy Sweaters: The Simple Girl’s Guide to a Winter Wardrobe

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Hi My Friends! Right out of the gate I’m going to say that you may have noticed that I’m all about cozy this season. Cozy Christmas Home Tour, Cozy Hygge mentality, cozy gift ideas, and now, cozy sweaters. Welcome to part 2 of my mini-fashion series! If you missed part 1, head back a post to start it off right.

20 cozy sweaters for the simple girl's winter wardrobe. If you're looking for cozy and comfy, then look no further than my collection of cozy sweaters!

I’ve been both baffled and flattered that my Instagram friends have been asking me to share my tips on simple wardrobe ideas. Let’s face it, I am the definition of simple when it comes to fashion. I’ll take jeans and a cozy sweater over a cocktail dress any day of the week. I almost weep when my husband says I have to dress up for a work event or an evening out. 😉

20 cozy sweaters for the simple girl's winter wardrobe. If you're looking for cozy and comfy, then look no further than my collection of cozy sweaters!

Simple Girl’s Guide to a Winter Wardrobe

So, since you’ve been asking, I collected 20 of my all time favorite cozy sweaters. I’ve got cardigans, dolman sleeves, chunky knits, zipper accents, crew neck, turtle neck, fitted, baggy, cut outs, and criss crosses. In short, something for everyone! The best part is, many of these come in multiple colors and have free shipping! So make sure to click through if you like the style of a sweater to see more color options!

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Cozy Sweaters

All of these beauties are under $50. Most are under $30! Click the image to be taken to the source. Let me know in the comments below which is your favorite!!

For a little fun, here are some of my favorite coordinating items!





There you have it! Jeans, a tee, boots and a cozy sweater. A winter wardrobe for the simple girl. Aka: Me. But don’t forget, the cozy sweater is just something to enjoy. You are beautiful because you are precious in God’s eyes my friend.

Have a great week!

Sarah Signature




P.S. Make sure to check out the series finale! The Grace In My Space Jewelry Collection is live!

{Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. – Proverbs 31:30}

Read more about the Proverbs 31 woman!



  1. I’ve been both baffled and flattered by my Instagram friends asking for my simple wardrobe tips lets face it I embody simplicity in fashion check out my easy style hacks for effortless everyday looks thank you so much.

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