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Indoor Plants Made for a Black Thumb | Easy Houseplants

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Ok ya’ll, truth time! I am notorious for killing my indoor plants. Yep. Plant murderer right here. I’ve always loved gardening outdoors but have struggled immensely to bring my green thumb indoors! And, I am guessing that there are plenty of you out there in the same boat! So today I want to tell you about 6 unkillable indoor plants.

The proof is right here in my own household. These babies have survived me for over a year and are thriving. That’s saying something.

And guess what? Jade, succulents and ivy are NOT on my list! They seem to be on everyone else’s list, unexplainably. However, I’ve killed many a-succulent so I’m not sure why people have ever claimed they are easy to care for.

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Do you struggle to keep your indoor plants alive? I've got 6 indoor plants made for those of us with a black thumb. Let's talk about some unkillable plants.

Indoor Plants That Will Survive Your Black Thumb

Do you struggle to keep your indoor plants alive? I've got 6 indoor plants made for those of us with a black thumb. Let's talk about some unkillable plants.

I’ve put together a free printable care guide for my favorite beginner plants to make this easy for you! Make sure to subscribe to get your freebie and have access to my free members only printable library!

Indoor Plant #1: ZZ Plant

I have no idea why we humans have to make things so complicated, but the real name of this plant is ZamioculcasSee? Why scientists? Why!? ZZ Plant is so much easier. (Plant on the far left.) This plant sits in my home with very little direct light and has thrived! I am notorious for forgetting to water my indoor plants for a couple of weeks at a time. But my little ZZ just keeps on a-truckin’.

Do you struggle to keep your indoor plants alive? I've got 6 indoor plants made for those of us with a black thumb. Let's talk about some unkillable plants.

Further proof it is unkillable: A little sprout was broken off by a rambunctious kiddo and I decided to place it in a small vile of water until it died. But it NEVER DIED!

That baby sprouted roots! In only water! With no sunlight or soil! And ya’ll…I haven’t even changed the water more than once in four months. Maybe someday I’ll get around to actually planting it in soil and I’m guessing it will become a whole new plant right before my plant-neglecting eyes.

Do you struggle to keep your indoor plants alive? I've got 6 indoor plants made for those of us with a black thumb. Let's talk about some unkillable plants.

Indoor Plant #2: Mother In Law’s Tongue

Let’s be honest, this plant has the most hysterical name out there. I, fortunately, cannot relate to those poor souls with a vicious mother-in-law, but when I think about the name of this plant it reminds me of that J-Lo movie, Monster-In-Law. So based on the name alone I think you should try it out. 😉

This plant (in the Love pot) is also placed in very little direct light. I probably water it once every two weeks. And even with such poor care it is sprouting new shoots and I need to transplant it into a larger pot!

Do you struggle to keep your indoor plants alive? I've got 6 indoor plants made for those of us with a black thumb. Let's talk about some unkillable plants.

Indoor Plant #3: Golden Pothos

This plant (top right) is also called Devil’s Ivy. Boo. I don’t like that name. So we’re sticking with Golden Pothos. This plant is in indirect sunlight and gets watered about once a week. However it has definitely gone longer than that and not been any worse for wear.

This beauty does like to see the sun though, so whereas the ZZ plant and Mother In-Law’s Tongue have survived well without much light, you’ll want to make sure this guy sees a little bit of sunlight throughout the day. I have mine on deep shelves near an east facing window and he does just fine.

Do you struggle to keep your indoor plants alive? I've got 6 indoor plants made for those of us with a black thumb. Let's talk about some unkillable plants.

Indoor Plant #4: Sweet Potato Vine

Guys, I’m not even joking. I didn’t know that a sweet potato was actually in the dirt producing my vine. It is slightly embarrassing to admit, but hey, I’m not a genius so you’ve gotta show a little grace. 😉

I had my sweet potato vine outdoors all summer long and decided to give it a try inside for the winter.

I planted my potato in a hanging planter in front of a north facing window and it has been doing beautifully. This guy DOES like to be watered though. Sorry little fella. I know you’ve lost a few leaves due to my neglect. But with watering every 2-3 days it has come back from the brink with gusto.

Now if only my husband would stop teaching our children that you can eat sweet potato vine leaves……

Do you struggle to keep your indoor plants alive? I've got 6 indoor plants made for those of us with a black thumb. Let's talk about some unkillable plants.

Indoor Plant #5: Money Tree

Oh if only this tree lived up to it’s name! I have no idea why it’s called a money tree but I wish it grew money. But then again, some would say that money is made out of paper and thus does grow from trees…those people are too literal. 😉

I was given this little gem by my mom who had faith that I could indeed sustain life in a plant. It was her faith that spurred me to try more than one plant after this one survived the first year of life.

Indoor Plants that Survive a Black Thumb

{Updated: My indoor plants have continued to flourish in my new home! Almost 2 years later and I still have these beauties after our move. You can see above how my money tree has grown over the last 2 years.}

My money tree flourished with weekly (sometimes every other week) watering in an east facing window for over a year. Then, I tried to continue braiding the trunk one day and snapped off a whole branch. *Tear*

So, a little word of caution: If you haven’t continued to braid your trunk while it was still young don’t try to do it once it is older and more rigid. It won’t work. 🙁

Do you struggle to keep your indoor plants alive? I've got 6 indoor plants made for those of us with a black thumb. Let's talk about some unkillable plants.

Indoor Plant #6: Dichondra, Silver Falls

This vine went CRAZY outdoors this summer. Like the sweet potato vine, I decided to try it indoors. Guys. It didn’t like the transplant experience. I’ll be honest, it was touch and go for awhile.

But once I cut off the dead vines new ones have been sprouting up like crazy. I think he’ll survive. This vine is a little needy and does like to be watered. So, fingers crossed I remember to do so. 🙂

Do you struggle to keep your indoor plants alive? I've got 6 indoor plants made for those of us with a black thumb. Let's talk about some unkillable plants.

BONUS Indoor Plant #7: FAUX

Let’s be honest here. Not everyone has time or desire to try to keep one more living thing alive. We’ve got kids, pets, and ourselves (if we’re lucky) to worry about already. I get it. The thought of being responsible for one more life is taking it a step too far in the name of home decor.

So go faux.

I’ve rounded up my absolutely favorite faux florals, plants and topiaries {HERE}.

I have 6 live indoor plants (well…7 really, but one is not doing so hot and thus has not made the list here…darn you olive tree) but I have countless faux plants! Maybe too many. It is a little embarrassing, just like my sign addiction I told you about here.

There you have it! 6 plants that the killer of all indoor plants (aka: moi) has not killed! I’d like to think that my black thumb has become green but I’m betting that these plants really are just unkillable. Because little Ollie isn’t fairing too well. Be warned: Olive Trees don’t like to be neglected.

{Update: I’ve shared more details on how to keep my favorite indoor plants thriving as well as some tips on how to add a little bit of boho design style to any home. Enjoy!}

What tops your list for easy care indoor plants? Maybe I’ll try something new!

Sarah Signature

{My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them. – Mitch Hedberg}


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Do you struggle to keep your indoor plants alive? I've got 6 indoor plants made for those of us with a black thumb. Let's talk about some unkillable plants. #fromhousetohaven #indoorplants #easycareplants


  1. Love this post! I do not have a green thumb. But i love plants in the house! I have a peace lilly that ive kept alive for about a year and a half. Last week i picked up a fiddle leaf fig tree. Now that i have 2 plants i think i need 2 more! The snake plant is definitely next on my list. The braiding on the money tree is so pretty! I don’t know that I’ve ever seen one. I tend to neglect also… so wish me luck!

  2. You crack me up. Only you would post a fake plant as one you can’t kill. LOL
    I totally agree with you as i’m certain so do many 🙂

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