Give Thanks | Monday Musings of Grace

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Happy Monday my friends!

Can you even believe that November is upon us? I know that Halloween is probably on your mind today but with the Thanksgiving season around the corner I want to talk about why it is important to give thanks. This Monday Musing is going to be pretty short and sweet but I hope that it encourages you to pause and think about your blessings.

Give Thanks Free Printable | The old adage "count your blessings" is good advice. Today I want to talk about why we should give thanks even in our struggles.

Give Thanks

You know the old adage, “count your blessings”? It is often something people say that can become quite cliche; however, it is really very healthy to intentionally think through the blessings in your life and give thanks for them. I know that my focus in the midst of a trial is often the negative feelings or consequences I’m experiencing. It is difficult to stop thinking through and processing the pain and sorrow.

 “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.” 1 Chronicles 16:34

However there is always something to give thanks for. Through my dad’s cancer journey I’ve been thankful that, no matter the outcome, our family has used this time to grow closer. Through my son’s anxiety issues I’ve been thankful that God is leading my husband and I to be intentional in our choices and how they affect him. Through the loss of friendships and community I’ve been thankful that God has shown us His goodness and love.

What Are You Grateful For?

I recently decided that instead of being a “glass half empty” or a “glass half full” kind of gal, I’m just going to be grateful that there is something to drink. So what can you give thanks for? Take a moment today and intentionally think about what you can be grateful for and see how it changes your mindset and attitude. And if you don’t mind, let me know what you’re grateful for in the comments! I’d love to hear how God is encouraging you today.

Be blessed friends!

Sarah Signature




{I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. – Psalm 9:1}

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  1. It’s very simple to be swept up in life’s daily grind, particularly as the holidays get near, but it’s crucial to pause occasionally and count our blessings. Your moving personal tales serve as a wonderful reminder of how thankfulness may change our perspective even under trying circumstances.

  2. Sarah, I just recently found your blog and I am enjoying reading earlier “Musings” and getting to know you better! I am commenting now, merely to ask a question – as a subscriber, how do I access your free printables? Everything I have tried so far hasn’t worked. But I may be doing something wrong, or am trying too soon after subscribing….
    Thank you for your help with this. Please continue to share your life and beliefs; God will be glorified.

    1. Hi Nancy! Thank you so much for subscribing and following along! If you just subscribed today then you will receive a welcome email from me shortly with the link and password to access your free printables. 🙂 If you don’t get it make sure to check your spam folder and if it isn’t there again please email me at [email protected] so I can help you figure it out! Thank you for your encouraging words today.

  3. I am always, even in the midst of sorrow or struggle, thankful I have a daughter who is loving and giving and beautiful inside and out. Thankful that she is also my best friend.

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