A Season of Change | Fall and the Seasons of Life

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Happy Monday friends! I hope that everyone had a blessed weekend and that you are ready for a new week! Today I want to talk about a season of change for my Monday Musings of Grace.

If you read my previous Monday Musing, I alluded to how I am personally in a season of change. Fall is a season of change in general, don’t you think? Be prepared! I’m about to get all metaphorical on you.

How do you view a season of change? Here's a look at why change can make you a better person and how to navigate change with grace and peace.

Fall: A Season of Change

Change is all around us during the fall season. We watch nature succumb to decay each autumn. The leaves show off a vibrant display. The hot breath of summer slowly changes to a refreshing chill in the air. And we delight in it. My friends. We delight in it! (Usually. Unless you live in Michigan and winter is soon to follow, in which case, my metaphor falls apart.) ๐Ÿ˜‰

With each season of change comes opportunity.

Many seasons of change bring deep sorrow, and in those times I urge you to cling to God’s everlasting comfort. Those are not the seasons of change I’m talking about today. Instead, I’m focusing on seasons of change that CAN bring delight with the right mindset.

Change That Transforms

There is change that grows us. Change that makes us better people and better followers of Christ. Change that opens our eyes to things that we were once blinded to. Change that forces us to reevaluate our motives or life goals. And all of those types of change offer opportunity. Change gives us a reason to stop being complacent and become intentional.

God created us in community with Him and with each other and through change we have the opportunity to transform. We can grow closer to God, know ourselves better, and most likely, affect others in the process.

Gettin’ Personal

For instance, I learned through a long season of change this past year (sickness, broken relationships, parental struggles…etc. You know the drill. It’s this thing called Life.) that I am stronger than I thought. Things that may have crumbled me a year ago I’ve withstood by the grace of God. But you know what? I also learned in that season of change that am a complete and utter mess without God as my focus. Truthfully, the times that my strength has withstood the craziness of life were times when it wasn’t my strength at all, but God’s. And that, my friends, is where delight comes in.

Delight in Change

Delight in the midst of change comes in many shapes and sizes. Your delight won’t look like mine. I delight in the fact that I realized Who my strength comes from. I delight in the deepened relationship with God and with my family. I delight in being stretched to “see what I’m made of.” You may simply delight in a change of scenery or a fresh perspective and those are still good things, simple as they may be!

As life journeys forward I’m sure I’ll experience plenty more change. Honestly, it’s doubtful that I’ll always delight in it; however, I do delight in my growth and realization that I am not alone in my change. And neither are you. “God is our refuge and our strength, an ever-present help in time of need.” Psalm 46:1

I hope that today’s Monday Musing challenges you to look at change with new eyes and helps you to view it as an opportunity for growth and intentionality. Care to share a life lesson change has taught you? Leave it in the comments.

Be blessed this week my friends!

Sarah Signature




{Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.- Leo Tolstoy}

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  1. Change has the ability to broaden our perspectives, enabling us to see things we may have been previously unaware of or blinded to. It prompts us to reevaluate our motives, goals, and priorities, offering us an opportunity for self-reflection and alignment with our values.

  2. I am in a season of change with my family. I just became a great-grandma and watching my family grow and maneuver through life has taught me to accept the differences in generations, thoughts and lifestyles.
    It has also taught me to continue to be a standard of GOD’S Light in the midst of changing ideals, mindsets, and lifestyles. And I realize that GOD has kept each and every promise HE has made to me concerning my life and family. This change has been phenomenal and I look forward to this new adventure in my walk with CHRIST!!

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