Where To Turn When “All Things” Aren’t Good | Romans 8

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Romans 8 has to be one of the most profound and truth packed chapters in all of scripture. It is my favorite passage to visit when I am in between studies or am simply looking for reassurance in times of trial. Today, I want to key in on verse 28 for my Monday Musings of Grace.

If you’re new to Grace In My Space, Monday’s are for Monday Musings. ๐Ÿ™‚ These are little devotionals that I like to share on topics that God has placed on my heart. I hope that they are helpful to you in your own walk with Christ, that they can be an encouragement in times of trial and that we can grow together along the way.

You can find past Monday Musings {here}, and as a thank you for following along with me I create free printables for my subscribers with each Monday Musing of Grace.

Romans 8

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. – Romans 8:28″

Before you continue reading here, I challenge you to grab your Bible (or read it online here) and read the full passage of Romans 8. It is one of the most challenging passages to read, in my opinion, because there is so much truth to comprehend. However, I think it sets the stage well for Romans 8:28 and it’s always important to learn scripture in context.

Free Printable | Where do you turn when "all things" aren't good? This devotional on Romans 8 dives deep into where our hope comes from in times of trial and confusion.

What Are “All Things”

I chose Romans 8:28 today because it is often a misused scripture. When scripture is misused it becomes ineffective and detrimental to the cause of Christ. Is there anything more tragic than life circumstances seeming to prove a scripture to be false simply because it is misunderstood?

Many people look at Romans 8:28 and think something along the lines of, “My horrible circumstance is not working for my good. Therefore God is against me.” Honestly, I can see how people think that. There is SO MUCH hurt in this world. Death, disease, abuse, oppression, persecution, selfishness, anger, violence. These things are not good.

But friends, Romans 8:28 doesn’t say that all things are good. Let’s break it down.

  • We know: God has declared it to be true so we can count it as truth.
  • That in all things: In every circumstance, every situation, every trial. The good, the bad, the ugly, the heart breaking, the joyous occasion, the challenge, the victories. All things.
  • God works for the good: God is, and will continue to be, working. For your good.
  • Of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose: You’ve got to be a Christ follower to claim this promise. If you’ve never made that decision and you’re interested in knowing more, I’d love to chat with you about it.

Romans 8 Analogy

Now let’s take a moment and talk about this concept of “all things”. Many read this verse and hear, “God is working all things for my good.” Nope! That’s not at all what it says. And what a disappointment you will endure if that is how you read it! As you see above, it says that In All Things, God works for the good.

I heard a 5 second snippet of a sermon the other day of a preacher who used a baking analogy for Romans 8. I wish I knew the source, but it spoke to me so I think it could be helpful to you.

He said to consider when you bake a cake. Each ingredient in and of itself is not necessarily good. Oil is slick and greasy, flour is chalky and tasteless, butter is fattening, eggs are unborn chicks, and on it goes. On the other hand, chocolate frosting is amazing on its own, but it is even better when the completed cake is finished.

All of the gross, unappealing, bad ingredients mix together to form something good and enjoyable.

Where to Turn When All Things Aren’t Good

Life is made up of good and bad, all twining together into the tapestry of our lives. Those experiences are all building us as people and as followers of Christ. If there is one thing that is certain, it is that life will bring trials. However, even in our toughest times, God is using them to draw us closer in relationship to Him and others around us if we love Him and allow Him to do so.

So when you’re in a season that is not good, persevere. When you are in the depths of despair, seek God and help from others. When you can’t make sense of how God could possibly be working for your good, remember His promise. You might not see it right away. You might not see it for years to come. But He is working for you. He works for the good of those who love Him.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39″

Sarah Signature




{Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him. – Psalms 34:8}



  1. So glad you shared this blog again. This is just the reminder I needed. God definitely spoke through you today. Thank you for your IG Thursday Musings. โค

  2. I believe that God led me to your website today. I found it totally by accident. I have had a really bad few months for a lot of different reasons (health, finances, stress and depression to name just a few). I subscribed to your site and read Romans 8. It truly lifted me in ways I hadn’t expected, and my Bible study group has just finished a study on the book of Romans. But somehow, finding it here today spoke to me differently than I expected. Thank you for printing it. God bless you!

    1. It means the world to me that you stopped by and were encouraged by this post! God certainly has a way of sending us what we need when we need it. Thank you for letting me know and I hope that many more posts are an encouragement to you!

  3. This was so well written. Thank you Sarah. I love the analogy of the cake ingredients. Sometimes we view life as separate incidents and then it simply doesn’t make sense. But in the mixing, the good becomes clear.
    Happy Monday

  4. Sarah, thank you so much for your words of wisdom. This spoke volumes to me. I thank the Lord for you sweet Christian spirit and you desire to share Christ with others. My soul has been refreshed this morning. You are a wonderful blessing!

  5. I feel this is my FAVORITE post EVER. Excellent writing!! Our God is such an awesome God and He will put God winks in our lives when we need them most. I cried when I read this post because this is the verse I’ve been clinging to lately. After a long trial, I got a call this morning letting me know……. “All things work together for good to those who love God”. This was such a timely reminder. Thank you for such a beautiful post! Prayers for a speedy recovery.
    p.s. I think you should put together a daily devotional, with your eloquent words and your amazing photos!!

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet words Tammy! I’m so glad God’s word spoke to you through the post today. Just keep clinging to those promises my friend.

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