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The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Minimalist Kitchen

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Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by your kitchen space? Do you find that you have too much clutter and not enough organization? Look no further than this comprehensive guide to creating a minimalist kitchen that fits your daily life. With practical tips and tricks, you’ll be able to declutter, organize, and simplify your kitchen in no time.

Black faucet and apron sink in a kitchen

Studies show that the average American kitchen contains more than 200 items, with only a fraction of them being used on a regular basis.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. With the right tools and techniques, you can create a minimalist kitchen that gives you more freedom. At the same time, a minimalist kitchen doesn’t have to be sterile!

In this ultimate guide, I’ll take you through the steps to declutter, organize, and simplify your kitchen for maximum efficiency. From identifying your kitchen essentials to creating a daily routine, you’ll learn practical tips and tricks to transform your cluttered kitchen into a functional and beautiful space.

Steps to Create a Minimalist Kitchen

While my decorating style is not minimalistic, I LOVE to keep my kitchen paired down and free of clutter.

Only keeping the kitchen essentials I use on a daily basis, and being picky about what those are, has helped immensely in keeping our kitchen chaos free.

Woman cleaning a countertop.

Here is an easy guide to follow to create your own minimalist kitchen!

Assess Your Current Kitchen Space

To create your ideal minimalist kitchen, it’s important to assess your current space.

Take a close look at every item in your kitchen and determine if it’s truly necessary for your daily life. This step is crucial in identifying which items you need to keep and which ones you can part with.

Once you’ve completed this step, you’ll have a better understanding of what you need to create your minimalist kitchen.

Mortar and pestles on a countertop.

Start by creating a blank slate.

Take everything out of your kitchen cabinets and drawers. Organize each item into categories:

  • Baking tools
  • Everyday dishes/utensils
  • Storage containers
  • Mixing bowls
  • Serving dishes
  • Pots/pans
  • Miscellaneous

By getting everything out in the open, you can clearly see what you have. Now, you can identify what you have excess of and what you’re missing.

Identify Your Minimalist Kitchen Essentials

Next, to create a functional minimalist kitchen, you need to identify your personalized kitchen essentials.

These are the items that you use daily or weekly and cannot go without.

Berries drying on a countertop.

They are the basis of your kitchen and the items that make it functional. Set these items aside in a new group.

Your minimalist kitchen essentials will vary based on your personal needs, lifestyle, and cooking habits. However, some common minimalist kitchen essentials include a good set of knives, cutting boards, cookware set, mixing bowls, measuring cups and spoons, spatulas, daily dishes, and serving utensils.

These items are the backbone of your kitchen and will make meal prep much easier and more enjoyable.

When identifying your minimalist kitchen essentials, it’s important to think about the quality of the items you’re investing in.

Minimalism is all about quality over quantity, so invest in high-quality items that are built to last. This will save you money in the long run and reduce waste.

Identifying your minimalist kitchen essentials is the first step in creating a minimalist kitchen that fits your daily life. Once you have a clear understanding of what you need, it’s time to declutter and simplify your kitchen.

Declutter and Simplify Your Kitchen

Now, it’s time to assess the groups that remain after removing your essentials.

Scrub brush in a minimalist kitchen.

Start by removing any items that you no longer use or need. Create three piles for these items:

  1. Donate
  2. Recycle
  3. Trash

Consider donating or selling any items that are still in good condition, but not necessary for your daily routine. This will not only reduce clutter, but also create a sense of purpose and organization in your kitchen.

Next, evaluate your storage solutions and consider investing in space-saving options such as magnetic knife strips, hanging pot racks, and pull-out pantry shelves.

When it comes to simplifying your kitchen, less is definitely more. Focus on quality over quantity and only invest in items that you truly need and will use regularly.

By decluttering and streamlining your kitchen, you’ll not only create a more functional space, but also reduce stress and save time in your daily routine.

Buy Multi-Purpose Kitchen Tools

Another way to simplify your kitchen is to intentionally purchase multipurpose tools.

For example, a dutch oven can be used on the stove top or in the oven, as a pot, or as a baking dish. Or, purchasing mixing bowls with lids gives them the ability to be used for baking prep or for food storage.

Minimalist Kitchen island with counter stool and wood cabinet.

Think through the items you have and how they can be used to serve more than one purpose to cut down on the need to buy additional items.

Organize and Optimize Your Kitchen Space

By taking the time to organize and optimize your kitchen space, you’ll be setting yourself up for success in maintaining a minimalist kitchen.

Baking pans in a storage rack.

Creating designated areas for each item and grouping similar items together will not only make it easier to find what you need but also prevent clutter from accumulating in the future.

Treat Everyday Kitchen Essentials as Decor

The last thing that will give you more flexibility is to treat your everyday kitchen essentials as decor.

Minimalist kitchen with runner and kitchen island.


Purchasing essentials that are high quality, and also aesthetically pleasing, gives you the ability to display them. This serves two purposes:

  1. Gives you easy access to items you use multiple times a day (ex: cutting boards)
  2. Makes your kitchen look decorated and inviting rather than sterile

My kitchen only has plants or fruit out on the countertops. The rest of the counters stay clear so there is plenty of room for cooking/baking.

Transitional kitchen with decor.

The exception to this rule is the back shelving area by my stove. Here, I have displayed my everyday essentials. However, each of them serves a purpose.

Minimalist kitchen essentials on a countertop

The cutting boards leaned against the wall are used daily. The bowl in the corner holds my onions. The garlic basket on the wall holds garlic and shallots. And the crock contains all my baking utensils.

I do leave the shelf available if I want to display actual decor, because seeing it makes me smile. However, I’ve also used that to store my everyday plates and bowls for easy access! It just depends on how my mood strikes as to what I put on the opening shelving.

Minimalist kitchen with large island.

Create a Daily Routine to Maintain Your Minimalist Kitchen

Now that you have decluttered and streamlined your kitchen, it’s important to maintain it. Creating a daily routine will help you stay on top of any potential clutter and keep your space organized.

First, make a habit of cleaning up as you go. After each meal or snack, take a few minutes to put away dishes and wipe down counters. This will prevent any messes from piling up and becoming overwhelming.

A complete guide to a minimalist kitchen.
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Next, set aside a specific time each day to do a quick clean-up of the kitchen. This could be in the morning before work or in the evening after dinner. Spend 10-15 minutes clearing away any clutter that has accumulated throughout the day, wiping down surfaces, and putting away any dishes that may have been left out.

Finally, take a few minutes each week to do a more thorough cleaning of your kitchen. This may include wiping down cabinets and appliances, deep cleaning the stove and oven, and decluttering any drawers or cabinets that may have become cluttered over time.

By creating a daily routine, you’ll be able to maintain your minimalist kitchen with ease. Plus, you’ll be able to spend more time enjoying your space and less time worrying about clutter.

Bonus Tips: Incorporating Minimalism into Your Cooking and Eating Habits

One way to truly embrace minimalism in your kitchen is by incorporating it into your cooking and eating habits as well. Here are a few bonus tips to get you started:

  • Plan your meals ahead of time to reduce waste and save time
  • Invest in high-quality, versatile kitchen tools and appliances that can be used for multiple tasks
  • Choose simple, versatile ingredients that can be used in a variety of dishes
  • Embrace the concept of “less is more” in cooking by using fewer ingredients to create flavorful meals

By taking a minimalist approach to your cooking and eating habits, you’ll not only save time and reduce waste but also create healthier, more satisfying meals that fit your daily life.

Create Your Own Minimalist Kitchen

Creating a minimalist kitchen that is practical for your daily life is achievable.

Start by assessing your current space and identifying your must-have kitchen essentials. From there, declutter, organize, and optimize your space for maximum efficiency.

Don’t forget to maintain it with a daily routine. By incorporating minimalism into your cooking and eating habits, you’ll be on your way to a simpler and more enjoyable kitchen experience.

Shopping Guide: Minimalist Kitchen Essentials

I’ve rounding up a full shopping guide of high quality kitchen essentials that you actually need to go about your daily routine. Check out this article on the top 30 kitchen essentials you need for daily living.

More Kitchen Articles

Thanks so much for stopping by the blog today. If you’re looking for more information on kitchen design, decor, or remodeling, check out the articles below.

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